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Princess Diaries Inc is a non-profit organization.  Being a non- profit organization we rely on the donations of parents, individual Board Members, businesses and fundraisers.    Princess Diaries Inc, is a Christian based organization with  biblical beliefs and foundation.  We believe that our young girls are in great need of positive and effective mentors.  Princess Diaries mentoring organization offers an opportunity for individuals to make friends within their group and collectively identify challenges.


The girls discover that they are not the only ones to have self-doubt, low self-esteem, or concerns about friends, bullying, boys and sex among other challenges. Group sessions also bring individuals together that they otherwise may not have known. By having girls interact with others outside of their own group of friends, they will develop networking skills, break down previous barriers and feel a part of something greater than themselves. It also provides the participants with an opportunity to develop authentic relationships with others so they have a great network of friends prior to the transition into college or the workforce where friendships tend to shift and breakdown.


We recognize that all girls face the greatest decline in self-esteem when they move from elementary school to high school.  Once in high school a spiral of emotions take place and the girls may or may not have someone to guide them in their thought process.  The goal is to assist with young adolescents to adult hood with a lifetime membership and sisterhood. 

We want to focus our efforts on educating the girls and expanding their culture by traveling and engaging in activities that will allow them to Dare to Dream.  We want to partner with the parents and create a better relationship between home and school.

      A Peak at the Curriculum


Self-Esteem - Understanding your importance and positive self-image (Pioneers are made)

Self-Acceptance – Embracing who you are (Pretty in Pink)

Self-Expression – How to be modest and fashionable at the same time.

Self- Examination – Defining goals and adjusting attitudes

Self – Respect – Creating boundaries

Self- Control – Discovering the real deal on boys, dating and sex (Patience/Endurance to wait for Mr. Right)


This is just a preview of some of the classes the girls will be exposed to.


Developing the worlds next generation of Pretty, Patient, Pioneers


© 2015 by Princess Diaries INC. Proudly created with

""Worth" by Anthony Brown & Group Therapy

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